Decipher Loan Monitoring
Enable more sophisticated loan monitoring, reporting, and business intelligence tools to gain a competitive edge.

gain valuable insights
Gain valuable data insights via powerful dashboards to gain a high-level view across all departments.
Connect to borrower financials to reduce risk and chances of fraud and make better credit decisions.
easier reporting
Remove the need to generate separate reporting from different business units and simplify reporting.
compete better
Visualize important data to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive profitability in a very competitive industry.
Data-driven insights to improve operations, reduce reporting burdens, and increase compliance.

Decipher’s Monitoring solutions allow lenders and borrowers to gain analysis and insights, and receive email alerts and notifications. Validate accounts at the point of origination.

Decipher’s Monitoring solutions allow lenders to go a step further and remain connected to client accounting systems to monitor their financial health. Connect accounting systems at the point of origination and stay connected to keep track of their financials.

Decipher Business Analytics facilitates configuring charts, graphs, and other insights for your dashboard and to share with team members across your organization. Configure specialized insights for customers to share valuable data and strengthen relationships.

Automatically spread financials from connected accounting systems or via upload. Generate powerful ratios and normalize financials so you can quickly assess the financial health of borrowers and prospects and more easily compare deals across your entire portfolio.

Program portfolio, banking, financials, and other intelligence reporting to reach your inbox weekly or at any interval. Decipher Business Analytics enables faster reporting, analysis, and planning so lenders can make better business decisions, improve operational efficiency, drive revenue, and increase their competitive advantage.